本帖最后由 cy9459 于 2010-10-11 13:04 编辑 # ~/ V% w$ k% I$ Z9 e
华人论坛, 股坛,马里兰,佛吉尼亚,中餐, 華人, 黄页, 北美华人, 海外华人, 海外论坛, 马里兰, 海外小说网, insurance, hotels, auto, rental, mortgage, travel, credit, refinance, extended stay, film, computer, stocks, furniture, loans, doctor, lawyer. j( V6 N; B) t' c7 `. ~
Do you know if Kindle can read Chinese? I mean EV880-JJ can read out (real voice) Chinese document, does K5 and Kindle have the same functionality?