文章来源: 综合新闻 于 2010-03-03 11:36:39

(From The Times ) As spring breaks following one of the harshest winters for three decades this incredible image of a pair of mating kingfishers will breathe fresh hope that Britain's most beautiful species of birds can re-establish itself. They are usually spotted as nothing more than a blue flash beside the river but one patient photographer has captured the rare moment these pair of amorous kingfisher's decided to fornicate. The up-close and personal meeting with the mating pair of Kingfishers, was snapped last week by wildlife photographer Mark Hancox who waited beside the River Severn in Worcestershire for five weeks, in order to get his prized shot
汉考克斯捕捉到翠鸟交配的照片令许多喜爱翠鸟的英国人松了一口气。由于今年冬季的严寒,许多人担心这种美丽的鸟儿会被冻死,数量会大大减少。比如1962到1963年间的冬季非常寒冷,英国90%的翠鸟因严寒和缺少食物而死亡。不过捕捉到翠鸟交配的照片,表明这种鸟儿的数量会逐渐恢复。据估计,去年在英国境内共有约3300到5000对翠鸟。 |