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标题: 美国德州独立请愿 转帖 [打印本页]

作者: qinchengshan    时间: 2014-10-26 11:25     标题: 美国德州独立请愿 转帖

请愿书(白宫的答复在下面) 德州独立请愿 总签名数12万5千七百四十六的请愿书

we petition the obama administration to:

Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.


The US continues to suffer economic difficulties stemming from the federal government's neglect to reform domestic and foreign spending.
由于联邦政府疏于对国内外支出的改革 致使美国持续遭受着经济上的困境

he citizens of the US suffer from blatant abuses of their rights such as the NDAA, the TSA, etc. Given that the state of Texas maintains a balanced budget and is the 15th largest economy in the world, it is practically feasible for Texas to withdraw from the union, and to do so would protect it's citizens' standard of living and re-secure their rights and liberties in accordance with the original ideas and beliefs of our founding fathers which are no longer being reflected by the federal government.
美利坚公民的权利遭受着诸如国防授权法案和美国***(不确定Tsa是不是指这个)的公然侵犯。 考虑到德州保持着财政收支的平衡 并且是世界第15大经济体, 把德州从联邦中分离出来是非常具有可行性的。 并且这么做也会保证德州居民的生活标准和还他们以自由 -这个不复存在于联邦政府但是是建国者们的 初衷和信仰 的权利
Created: Nov 09, 2012
Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Economy, Government Reform

total signatures125,746


Official White House Response to Peacefully grant the State of Texas to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.
白宫官方回复 关于德州独立美国的和平请愿
Our States Remain UnitedBy Jon Carson

Thank you for using the White House's online petitions platform to participate in your government.

In a nation of 300 million people -- each with their own set of deeply-held beliefs -- democracy can be noisy and controversial. And that's a good thing. Free and open debate is what makes this country work, and many people around the world risk their lives every day for the liberties we often take for granted.
(译者:XZ,豆奶 问题的官方标准答案啊 大家务必切记)在一个拥有3亿人口的国家每个人都有自己所坚定的信仰, 嘈杂而有争议的民主是一件好事, 自由与争论自由是这个国家的动力。 这个世界的许多人都在冒着生命危险为我们所认为理所当然的 自由 而奋斗

But as much as we value a healthy debate, we don't let that debate tear us apart.
但是我们需要的是积极向上的争论 而不是让争论把我们拆散

Our founding fathers established the Constitution of the United States "in order to form a more perfect union" through the hard and frustrating but necessary work of self-government. They enshrined in that document the right to change our national government through the power of the ballot -- a right that generations of Americans have fought to secure for all. But they did not provide a right to walk away from it.
各州在经过了一系列必不可少但是艰难而令人沮丧的自治后,我们的建国者们制定了合众国的宪法“ 为了建立一个更加完美的联邦”, 他们宝贝的把 用选票的力量来改变这个国家的政府 的权利 这一美国人民世世代代为了一切而守护的权利 写进了宪法, 但是他们(建国者) 并没有给予分裂联邦的权利。

As President Abraham Lincoln explained in his first inaugural address in 1861, "in contemplation of universal law and of the Constitution the Union of these States is perpetual." In the years that followed, more than 600,000 Americans died in a long and bloody civil war that vindicated the principle that the Constitution establishes a permanent union between the States. And shortly after the Civil War ended, the Supreme Court confirmed that "[t]he Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union composed of indestructible States."
做为总统的亚伯拉罕 林肯在1861年他的第一次就职演讲中说 “宪法的中心法则乃是这些州组成的联邦是永久的。” 在随后的一年里超过60万美国人死于长期而血腥的内战,这充分证明宪法的原则-建立一个各州间永恒的联邦, 是多么的正确。在内战结束后不久 最高法确认“宪法的规定的乃是希望看到一个由一个个牢不可破的州组成的不可分裂的联邦”

Although the founders established a perpetual union, they also provided for a government that is, as President Lincoln would later describe it, "of the people, by the people, and for the people" -- all of the people. Participation in, and engagement with, government is the cornerstone of our democracy. And because every American who wants to participate deserves a government that is accessible and responsive, the Obama Administration has created a host of new tools and channels to connect concerned citizens with White House. In fact, one of the most exciting aspects of the We the People platform is a chance to engage directly with our most outspoken critics.
在建国者们建立了一个长久的联邦的同时他们也赋予了被作为总统的林肯随后形容此为“民有, 民治, 民享” 所有人可参与并可加入的政府 政府是我们享有民主的基石, 因为每个美国人想要参与政务都是被应允的。 奥巴马总统的管理团队建立了许多新的工具和渠道来与关心白宫的民众交流。事实上最令人激动的方面是 “We the people(我们 ,人民 -白宫网站上的请愿平台) 这个平台 提供了让我们与对我们最直言不讳的批评者们交流的机会。

So let's be clear: No one disputes that our country faces big challenges, and the recent election followed a vigorous debate about how they should be addressed. As President Obama said the night he won re-election, "We may have battled fiercely, but it's only because we love this country deeply and we care so strongly about its future."
所以 这是显而易见的:众所周知我们的国家面临着诸多不小的挑战 近来的选举也伴随着关于解决这些问题的激烈辩论, 正如奥巴马总统在他赢得连任的那晚所说“ 也许我们会有激烈的斗争 但是那仅仅是因为我们深爱着这个国家并强烈关心着这个国家的未来”

Whether it's figuring out how to strengthen our economy, reduce our deficit in a responsible way, or protect our country, we will need to work together -- and hear from one another -- in order to find the best way to move forward. I hope you'll take a few minutes
无论是巩固我们的经济 用负责任的手法降低我们的赤字 还是保护我们的国家 我们都需要团结努力 并且倾听对方的声音 - 为了找到最好的前进的路, 我希望你们能花几分钟好好考虑考虑。

作者: jialin    时间: 2014-11-2 23:06

我不明白楼上的问题。现在德州一些人只是请愿而已,和选举权有什么关系? 至于收集到足够签名的请愿可以招呼公投,那只是在有的州可行,其中好像不包括德州。这也是德州人自己的选择。选举权是民主的基础,建国者以保护人们的民主平等自由为目的立国。也就是说,每个人生来就有的权利,并不是建国者给予的。但是有鉴于历史,这种权利需要被保护,以免遭到政府的侵犯。所以政府的权利要被限制,要把立法行政司法机关拆开,要把国家和宗教分开,等等。
作者: tianfangye    时间: 2014-11-2 23:31

作者: 钢铁牛    时间: 2014-11-3 00:19



作者: jialin    时间: 2014-11-9 22:49

回复 6# ^lulu^

任何人的任何观点都有历史局限性和个人的偏见。我只是尽量客观地解释美国政府中选举权的来源。这并不代表我赞成或反对美国建国者的观点。美国建国者的观点有出色的一面,他们用这一套制度在三百多年中逐渐强大,逐渐完善,建立了一个强国,大国,至今健在。横向比较中国历史里的各个朝代,欧洲各国的兴衰,这个成绩起码能评个优吧。但是他们的观点有没有问题? 这绝对是有的。像你提到的黑人和女人的选举权都是问题,又比如说反智主义,至今还有很多美国人深受其害。
之前坛子里有人发过读书笔记,读的是托克维尔,推荐他写的 democracy in america.  这是一个法国人有感于法国大革命的惨烈,跑来参观学习美国的民主制度写下的思考。文章写得非常中立,一针见血,引人思考。你要是对政治理论感兴趣,我可以给你写个推荐书单,关于西方政治思想的演变。不过首先的,你得先了解美国历史和美国政府,或者欧洲历史和西欧政府。这样你看书的时候才能相互印证。

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