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标题: [新闻人生] 乌克兰政府炒了安东诺夫总设计师鱿鱼 兔子快去吧他打包抢过来 [打印本页]

作者: baby123    时间: 2014-4-21 01:49     标题: 乌克兰政府炒了安东诺夫总设计师鱿鱼 兔子快去吧他打包抢过来

本帖最后由 baby123 于 2014-4-21 01:54 编辑

安东诺夫安-225“哥萨克人”运输机(乌克兰语:Антонов Ан-225 "Мрія",英语:Antonov An-225 "Mriya"),北约代号“哥萨克”(Cossack),是一架离陆重量超过600吨的超大型军用运输机,也是至2014年为止,全世界承载重量最大的运输机与飞机,翼展宽度仅次于休斯力士运输机,是翼展第二宽的飞行器。
安-225是由现属乌克兰所拥有、苏联时代的安东诺夫设计局开发作为苏联太空计划的设备运输用途,这款运输机可以运送超大型货物,机舱的载重量可达到250吨,机身顶部的载重量可达到200吨。[1]至2013年为止只有1架在飞,另1架还在建造。 ... fires-antonov-boss/

        In a statement, the Ukrainian government announced that it has fired Mr Dmitry Kiva - the head of the Antonov Design Bureau at Kiev-based Antonov Airlines.
        Close ties with Moscow cost him his job – Antonov boss Dmitry Kiva


Mr Kiva had almost full control over the Ukrainian AN-124 sales program and was seen as being one of the key lobbyists for a close cooperation with Russia on the AN-148, AN-70 and update of the AN-124 aircraft.


It is interesting to note that the joint test program between Russia and the Ukraine for the AN-70 has been completed and plans were for a serial production of the aircraft for the air forces of both countries. This project has apparently also now been cancelled by the new Ukrainian government.


CargoForwarder Global understands that Mr Kiva was also a close confidant and working partner with Volga-Dnepr Airlines who have put much faith and effort into the production of an updated AN-124 transporter.

CargoForwarder全球了解到,基瓦先生也是那个已经把很大的信心和精力投入到生产更新的AN-124运输机的伏尔加 - 第聂伯航空公司的最佳合作伙伴。

It is today unclear as to who, if anybody, can fill that gap.


Close ties with Russian colleagues


How closely the Antonov Design Bureau helmsman’s activities are intermeshed with the interests of the Russian aviation industry was vividly demonstrated to a broad public last October at the Moscow-held Aerospace Salon MAKS. There, Kiva and the Governor of the (Russian) Ulyanovsk Region Sergey Morozov signed a long-term agreement to push after-sales services for Antonov’s various aircraft programs ahead and foster joint initiatives for the production of future passenger and cargo planes.


At the Paris Air Show in Le Bourget last June Kiva had strongly advocated the launch of a modernized Antonov-124 freighter program. With its payload capability of 150 tons, “the new An-124 will be a transporter hardly any other aircraft will surpass in foreseeable times,” Kiva emphasized. He strongly supported political initiatives to assemble the An-124 successor at the Ulyanovsk-based manufacturer Aviastar. “All we still need to get this project off the ground is an endorsement from the Russian government,” he concluded. However, with Russia’s occupation of the Crimea Peninsula and Putin’s blatant striving for setting foot in the eastern parts of the Ukraine these plans have meanwhile gone to ashes.

去年六月在布尔歇开办的巴黎航展上,基瓦曾力主推出一款现代化的安东诺夫124货机计划,其有效载荷能力约为150吨, “新的安-124将是一架几乎没有任何飞机能在可预见的时间内超过的超级运输机”基瓦强调。他强烈支持此政治举措,在乌里扬诺夫斯克来制造组装一架安-124的后继机 。 “然而我们仍然知道,实现这个项目离不开俄罗斯政府的认可和支持, ”他总结道。然而,随着俄罗斯占领了克里米亚半岛和普京公然支持乌克兰东部地区独立,这些计划即将化为灰烬。

John Mc Donagh / Heiner Siegmund

约翰 MC DONAGH /海纳 西格蒙德
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