8 d, y. i! l+ M4 o$ @6 R r全球华人的自由讨论天地 向永胜是华振国当兵时候的战友。退伍之后二人又一直在同一座城市打拼,虽然混的是不同的圈子,这么些年关系一直保持得不错。二十年前向永胜曾经被公派驻扎蒙城三年,与妻子两地分居聚少离多,女儿才满周岁正是难带的时候,还是多亏了华振国一家热心帮忙照顾家中妻女。华人论坛) U5 `" f! K- F. b, Z% v! s
( \" G' x& m# V$ A! S3 D华人论坛Chinglish版: $ M1 ^8 x3 Y3 j, S全球华人的自由讨论天地 You only see my words,you can't understand my depth. You have your big god novel, I have my small group. You doubt if I can live in the wave, I decide my style. You laugh me literature and art, I prove it's time of character. Writing is to be a lonely trip, not without doubt and laugh. But that again how, where afraid zero point, I write bravo. I am little transparent,I bring salt for myself.作者: barbamama 时间: 2013-3-10 21:44